I'm moving from my mom's house to my dad's house. I have a PS4 and a pS plus in both houses. I would like to be able to play my FIFA 21 in both houses. I don't want to have two different accounts. Can I switch between them and play the same game?
Yes! It's possible. My best friend shares an account with her sister. They use a common FIFA 22 PS5 Account even though they are in different countries. Initially, this account belonged only to my friend's older sister. But then she went to Israel on a student program for Jewish youth. So once, they tried logging into the same PS 5 account from different countries, and everything worked. So you don't have to worry about throwing someone of you out of this account. By the way, in PS 5, you can check the number of sessions. You can kick a cracker if you see suspicious activity on an account from an unknown device.