I'm thinking about buying a country house on the water. I'm just curious if any of you live on the lake. I'm surprised how few perch boats I see at the ppl docks... mainly ski and pontoon boats. I wonder if it will be amazing or will I miss the opportunity to visit other lakes? I'm just trying to think ahead and make sure it's not because the grass is greener... Obviously, there are many other advantages/problems with having a house on the lake... but just think about bass fishing... has your fishing improved or decreased? Thank you.
Hi, I assure you that a house near a pond is good, but not quite a practical housing solution. You have to make the house's layout correctly, considering the cold from the water, insects, and much more. I would advise you just to contact an agency by type www.boutiquehomeplans.com/, for these guys to make you a plan of your house, taking into account all the nuances. If you do everything right, then living by the water is amazing