Never really worked in a grocery store meat market, and we are trying to make the transition from Family Owned Meat Store to Family Owned Grocery Store. I'd love to try running a hot service case with some of the cuts of meat I offer already smoked or cooked. I've honestly got my eye on what are usually the big trouble makers as far as reductions go, ribs, ground beef, and cube steak. I figure if I can get any type of regular business built up on that front, the extra gross profit/less throwaway would go a long way towards what I am trying to build. It doesn't seem too difficult, but I'd really like some insight on some of the more intricate details. Such as:
If I have an 8 hour+ smoke time on my butts, will I be able to smoke a butt today for the hot case tomorrow? Or will the overnight storage affect it? Or do people normally keep whole butts refrigerated and just do pulled pork hot? What is considered standard as far as shelf life? Is it One Day (or even x hours) in the Hot Case , Two in the Cooler, One Reduced in the Cooler? I imagine your food will lose some visual quality as it sits, but that's just something I don't have much experience with myself.
Ground Beef - I know meatloaf is the go to outlet here, does anyone have a good recipe or any good presentation tips for this one? I'm wondering if I could't take like 1 part ground chuck and 1 part patty sausage from my case at the end of the day and premake these in baking pans then freeze them. Throw in some diced onions and peppers maybe?
I think I have a good general feel for the whole operation, but like I said, I'm new to this facet of the grocery business.
I wish you luck with your new beginnings. I would recommend not to listen to too much advice and do it as you know best. As you mentioned, you aren’t new to working with meat. In regards to the standards, you can get this information from an official source, and it is more reliable, in my opinion. What I would recommend (how I do it) is I store most of the products in Mylar foil bags or buckets with gamma seal lids. I get mine from 72hours. and the airtight lids are a must, in my opinion.