I haven't been on here in a while, but I used to be able to download a cutting test right here on the meatcutters club and now I can no longer find it. Did you discontinue it?
Hi Jeff and welcome back, we really appreciate your return. If you go to the Resource Pages under Beef, ( PERCENTAGE VALUES FOR RETAIL CUTS FROM A PEELED KNUCKLE CHOICE & SELECT,) there are some yield test available. However, just remember that these test are only guidelines. My suggestion to you is to do your own test on the brand of beef you are using. That's when you will get the better results. As an example yield results can vary from within a Packing Co.
When I worked for IBP, we had a meat management center at the corporate plant in South Sioux City Nebraska. We had several fabricating plants back then, I believe 5 plants. We ordered into the training center a case of Choice 2" lip on Rib Eyes from all 5 plants and the saleable yield variations where surprising. They went from a low 79% to a high of 92% saleable meat yield. That's a pretty big swing for a $6.50 per pound sup primal, which equates to .41 cents per ounce of meat.
The obvious reasons are type of cattle slaughtered, butcher workmanship on the kill floor, fabricator workmanship in the processing rooms. So it is of upmost importance to test your own product.
There is a web page out there that can be of some assistance to you as well. http://www.beefretail.org/cuttest.aspx
I cut a lot of short loins! It's a challenge to keep up with a bone in Filet.. does anyone have a video of cutting them so I can show it to the culinary team?? I'm usually alone so it's hard for me to take a video.!!??