Which one is you, Leon? You looked pretty good back in the day.
But seriously, you're message is right on point. An example for me was today. As I've mentioned previously, I'm working with the director of meat operations for at least 4 weeks. I Came in at 6 am after being off Easter (store was open). Counter was trashed. Really struggling with our staff, to say the least. Pulled dates , did reworks on wet products, worked out fresh products from cooler and by 7:30 decided I really should prioritize and set fish counter in. (about a 1 hour process for me). Big Boss arrives at 7:45 and find some wet rib roasts, turkeys with 2 days remaining on dates, which were in my mental to do list to cut up, and a few dark red meat items that were going to need attention. All of this was in my mental work plan, but only freaking Superman could have made this happen in that time frame. Here's the deal related to your post. Nobody gives a f**k anymore, with few exceptions. I'm being embarrassed in front of a person I respect, but refuse to throw people under the bus. My work ethic is 1. Work hard, 2. Keep your mouth shut. 3. Care about your job., 4. Take your 15 if the counter is in decent shape, don't make that your first priority. Just needed to vent quys, because I don't thank I'm a good candidate for hard drugs.
When I started at Giant they had 7 meat cutters and 2 wrappers. when I left 4 years later they had 2 full time and one part time meat cutters and 1 wrapper. Mangement still expected the same out put as when we had 7 cutters and 2 wrappers, while spreading us to handle the seafood and delis as well.
I guess I'm lucky in some ways. The shop I'm in and have been for 12 years has grown in sales and staff. Im the Cutter/Manager right now since my cutter guy bailed on me to go to Joplin Missouri( another story). The company is pretty bullheaded about policy
, but fortunately the store level managers are keeping clear of me for now.