I recently posted an iconic picture of the infamous butcher William Poole (cira 1830's) well here he is beside me. 100 years on and what has changed - nothing folks! The meat we butcher is still the same, same beasts, same anatomy, the only thing different is the methods and skills and importantly the nose to tail use of the animals. 'SEMPER FIDELIS MATARE SPERNO' 'EVER FAITHFUL WE SCORN TO CHANGE'
The SRP Scott Rea Project is all about reviving the old ways, passing on the skills before they are lost forever. What will butchery be like in another 100 years - behind me to in that picture are rabbits, venison, a pigs head to name but a few - will these magnificent meats and the skills to process them be lost in a hundred years, will people of the day be repulsed by such things? I'd hate to think so! Let's keep the Rock and Roll butchery going my friends. Scott SRP