Start-up 1907 Meat Co. is bringing back the butcher.
Lindsay was trained by traditional butchers on the East Coast and worked in New York and Boston. The men who taught him are aging and retiring faster than new people are replacing them. “Most butchers are over 65,” he said. “...People aren't taught to cut beef anymore. Some younger people are getting interested but there’s a 20-30 year gap.”
His goal is to use the skills he learned to produce artisan meats that put the boxed meats commonly found in grocery store meat cases to shame.
John, ALWAYS glad to push the meat man lol I also support what you doing my friend, It's meat men like you that helps to bring back the Skills of our trade
I would like to work with this guy and learn his skills, I only have what skills i've learn in retail and the guys over me have only been cutting a few years longer than me