When the colonists served meat (which was often), they usually left the head and feet of the animal attached.
As for Abe Lincoln, I eat meat all the time, and hunt, and fish, and I still return baby birds to the nest occasionally, especially when it was my cat that pulled it down. Once again, eating meat doesn't mean you don't care about animals, it means you recognize how nature actually works. My cat is well fed, he doesn't need to eat the bird, and probably won't (House Sparrows are not indigenous to N America, he can kill those to his heart's content).
PETA seeks “total animal liberation.” This means no meat, no milk, no zoos, no circuses, no wool, no leather, no hunting, no fishing, and no pets (not even seeing-eye dogs). PETA is also against all medical research that requires the use of animals (including AIDS research).
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. A group founded in 1980 with over 800,000 current members worldwide. They are the most successful registered radical organization in existence. Similar to the Nazi party, and religious extremists, they believe in fascism and use violence and propaganda as their vehicles to achieve their goal. They have a tax exempt status, and collect nearly $30,000,000.00 yearly.
Is PETA still listed as a terrorist threat by the USDA?
They are giving a Whole Foods Pork supplier in PA a hard time lately with super edited propaganda and I just noticed the were attacking diners at a steakhouse the other night... Terrorist..