It is with great excitement that we announce a new partnership between the American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP) and the German Butchers’ Association (GBA).
With the forming of this new partnership, there will be an IFFA Quality Competition held here in the U.S. in early January. This competition will be the same as the competition being held during the 2016 IFFA Show in Germany. The results of this competition will be included with those from Germany and acknowledged as being a part of that show. The GBA will bring the same IFFA judges to the U.S. to judge our products. Awards from this competition will be presented at the IFFA show along with the others from the competition. If you are unable to attend the IFFA show to receive your awards, the GBA will transfer those awards to AAMP to be presented to you.
This partnership has been formed due to the increased issues non-European Union butchers have had with submitting their products into the Germany show. In 2013, only one non-European Union butcher was able to get products through customs and entered into the competition. The GBA wants this to truly be an international show and wants butchers from across the U.S. to be included.
If you are not familiar with how this competition works, it is slightly different from AAMP’s American Cured Meat Championships (ACMC). Each product is judged against a standard rather than against another entrant’s product. Each item entered will receive a score; if that score is high enough, the entrant could earn a gold, silver or bronze medal, or no medal at all. It is very prestigious to earn one of these medals and know that your product matches up to these internationally recognized standards set by IFFA. There will be more details to follow. Please plan to take advantage of this great opportunity.
If you have questions, please direct them to Chris Young, or by phone at 877-877-0168.