Same thing happened at Pathmark several years ago. It was a disaster. They should have known better too, as a few years prior they took out all the service delis and went to all pre-packed cold cuts. That bombed and they had to put back in all the service delis.
apcowboy wrote:
Have they started back cutting meat there, a lot of these down here has since that per pack **** they had BOMB
I have to wonder about the corporate culture if they have to go outside the company to get meat managers.
If its same as where I work, the current cutters probably know better. Why do the job, not make that much more money per hour, have all the headaches and not really have that much to show for it?
The difference between Dept head and journeyman cutter is about 83 cents an hour. Not much more money for the effort.
I agree totally that of what you say concerning the pay-scale difference between cutters and managers and this no doubt is why the company has a problem and have to look on the outside. Many meat cutters from Food lion left for jobs at Bilo who seems to be steam rolling in the CSRA (Central Savannah River Area.
But lets get back to the meat manager slots. Life is all about risk and reward and sometimes you have to take a shot. One thing for sure no cutter that I ever knew in my era every got promoted from cutter to territory supervisor. The down side is true, a meat department managers job comes with lots of stress and hard work. However, the upside is that it could be a jumping-off point to bigger and better things. It happened for me and I believe it could happen for anybody.
It was the same at my company in that I got only 75 cents/hour more than a Journeyman. However I did it FOR the stress. Without that additional pressure I would have been a hopelessly bored clock watcher and there is nothing I hate more than boredom. As a manager there were never enough hours in the day to achieve what I wanted to accomplish. It was also true that most of the newer meat managers were part timers who saw that as their only opportunity to achieve full time.
That said, I turned down requests from management to go into management. Meat manager, or Chief Journeyman, was as high as I could go and stay hourly. Assistant Store Managers worked 10 hours per week (54 hours) more than I did (44 hours) for $75/week less than I made. Also, as I have mentioned previously we had a very strict sanitation regimen. If our company Sanitarian came in and flunked the store, it was company policy that the store manager and his two assistants lost their days off until the company passed re-inspection, and it was usually 4-6 weeks before he came back to re-inspect. This was true even if it was my department that caused the store to fail (never was though). So I said no thank you!
one store they have in S.C Rock Hill I think it is, they looking for either a market manager or cutter at lest once every month, they can't keep one there