If you like the bill and could spread the word, that would be incredibly helpful. We’re trying to round up more co-sponsors at the moment. The most recent co-sponsor (just signed on today) is Jared Huffman from California.Requests from butchers or meat cutters asking their congressional representatives to co-sponsor the bill will be helpful!
Seana Cranston
Congressman Thomas Massie
314 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-3465
Club Members if you want to help us push this bill please click on this link and find your Congressman's address
When you contact them you can copy and paste this in your e-mail.
July 23,2015— Representatives Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) introduced House Bill H.R. 3187, a bill that would significantly increase access to locally produced meat for consumers around the country. H.R. 3187, also known as the PRIME Act (theProcessing Revival and Intrastate Meat ExemptionAct), would return power to the states to determine appropriate regulations on meat processing for local sales.
The PRIME Act would give states the option of passing laws to allow the sale of custom slaughtered and processed meat in intrastate commerce direct to the consumer as well as to venues such as restaurants, hotels, or grocery stores that deal directly with consumers. Interstate sales or multi-step distribution chains would not be allowed.