Yesterday was such a fun day! Judy, our catalog sales manager, and myself (Dawn) flew to Chicago and were honored to be able to spend the afternoon with Kari Underly- third generation butcher and the author of 'The Art of Beef Cutting', and her business partner, Megan O'Connor. Kari and Megan have been working hard on getting the new Muscolo Meat Academy ready to open this Fall. We enjoyed a nice lunch with them, had great conversation and then went to their beautiful office space.Bunzl Processor Division/Koch Suppliesis a founding sponsor of Muscolo, so we took some fun sponsorship photos.
If you haven't already, please join us in supporting the new Muscolo Meat Academy and the future generation of butchers! Any amount helps! Kari's passion is contagious, as well as inspiring, and we're so glad to be a part of supporting tomorrow's leaders and business owners. It's going to be fun to watch Muscolo MeatAcademy as it comes to life!