If I was looking for a new job, I'd show up ready to work carrying a toolbox with all my stuff in it. 3 Knives, scabbard, steel, safety glove*, neck tie*, hand hook, ball point pen. Whatever I might need.
*in case it's required
I've never seen a new cutter arrive for his first day of work without a full set of knives.
Aren't the Rolling Stones going to tour again real soon? Are they going to show up at each event without their own guitars and drums?
Yepper. Once on my day of a deli clerk gave a bagger my best Forschner 12" steak knife to go outside and chop weeds!
machine wrote:
For whatever reason., different companies have different conditions. I worked at Whole Foods for a while, and they supplied knives and had a free sharpening service. Burgermeister, I remember nany years ago with Big Star, I had my own stuff, but if you were somehow careless one day and didn't secure your equipment, some joker would surely mess with it. Not your brother cutters, but one of the clerks, or worse, seafood.
Well in our case it was just part of the terms of the collective bargaining agreement. For the same reason the company had to provide smocks and aprons, rubber gloves, boots for clean up, and had to provide 5 minutes of company time to "gear up" at the beginning of shift and 5 minutes to wash up at end of shift.
All that said, I had my own knives, steels, Kevlar gloves, and laptop for work.
Burgermeister wrote:
If I was looking for a new job, I'd show up ready to work carrying a toolbox with all my stuff in it. 3 Knives, scabbard, steel, safety glove*, neck tie*, hand hook, ball point pen. Whatever I might need.
*in case it's required
I've never seen a new cutter arrive for his first day of work without a full set of knives.
Aren't the Rolling Stones going to tour again real soon? Are they going to show up at each event without their own guitars and drums?
I like Burgermeister's little dig about the glove. That topic opens a whole new bag of worms. Mostly, I don't like using metal safety gloves. I'm confident in my abilities and keep your knives sharp you are covered. However, it's not worth a write up by the S M. IMO.