The search for our 2015 Processor of the Year is on...
Andy HanacekEditor-in-chief at The National Provisioner
Email me privately athanaceka@bnpmedia.comwith nominations. Here's what I need to begin our hunt (we have a few processors in the candidate pool already) and decision-making process:
--Nominated company name and location
--Primary business segment (any company that actually processes animal protein from slaughter up to the packaged product is eligible -- packers, first-processors, further-processors)
--Your contact information (or, if you are NOT the primary contact at the company nominated, I need a top executive and/or media-relations/marketing contact there -- nominees will only be told that they'd been nominated, not by your nomination will be kept private, between you and I.)
--Reason for nomination (beyond just, "They're good" obviously) -- why should this company win the 2015 Processor of the Year award? What successes have they had in the past year? What ultra-innovative process/strategy/initiatives took flight and flew higher than the rest of the industry in the past year?
With that information, we can begin our search. PLEASE do not post your nominations here. Only nominators who take the time to send me a short email with the information above will be considered. This protects you, us and the company in the rare event that it does not want to participate for SOME reason.
Get those thinking caps on and send me an email! Again, will confirm each nomination once I receive it!