Walmart has over 3,000 Supercenters nationwide, they do more grocery sales than any other food chain, How many Christmas Special orders will walmarts get this Christmas?????????? How many Walmart cutters will cut a pork crown roast???? or Prime Rib?? That's right absolutely none!!! While this may be the norm at your store/market, we still need to drive this message home, we still need to target younger shoppers social media.. the younger generation are the smart phone generation and may not read flyers,, so if you work at a store that has a facebook account- TAKE the time to blast out these awesome meatcase displays to them- drive home you have professional butchers and invite special orders - take pictures or you, or meatcutters in the store holding crown roasts and prime ribs - we are visual creatures . just saying
Independent stores could create their own mobile device apps just like walmart does and keep customers up to date instantly on new specials and sales. Give them the option to place special orders through the app. I am a genius.
Independent stores could create their own mobile device apps just like walmart does and keep customers up to date instantly on new specials and sales. Give them the option to place special orders through the app. I am a genius.
If you have an independent store and I could build you an app that allowed you to post messages for sales and accept instant messages from users. Would you buy it? Would your employer buy it? On facebook you have to check the page or see it on your wall before it gets buried under countless other postings. But with this app the store manager just presses send and it sends an alert to every smart phone and tablet that has the app installed.