i already got the fibrox knife and the adamdanforth books all good buys.
just as a point of interest its near impossible to get a 8 or 10 inch breaking knife by victorinox in europe it must be a style of knife used more in the US closest i could find was a 8 inch butchers knife which is straight cookshop.ie/shop/474-victorinox-butches-knife-8-inch-20-cm.html they couldnt even get a breaking knife when i gave them the code
Ive found lots of places in the US that sell them fdarn most chargemore for shipping than what the knife costs though Ill get one for my birthday I think got a sausage stuffer on my list for my next pressie.
Irishdude check with Atlantic Service UK in Wales They handle victorinox I'm not sure if they have the knife you want you will have to contact them http://www.atlantic-service.co.uk/uk/products.htm