Technology delivers in-store offers to grocery shoppers
10/6/2014 - by Meat&Poultry staff SANTA MONICA, Calif. – According to The Lempert Report Innovation Series, supermarket operators will be able to communicate offers to retail shoppers on their cell phones while they shop. A low-energy Bluetooth connection – Apple's iBeacon – determines a smart phone's location and then sends messages on special offers about items in the store as they shop the aisles. It can also facilitate payments at the point-of-sale so customers don't need their wallets. If a grocery store places an iBeacon in the deli department, for example, it can send a message offering a free side dish with the purchase of a featured deli meat, so when a shopper walks past the deli, they receive the promotional message on their phone. "This is a win-win for both shoppers and retailers," says Phil Lempert, CEO and editor of The Lempert Report. "Retailers can use this technology to get shoppers into store aisles they may not be shopping in and consumers have access to sales and deals. These technologies are a necessity in this competitive marketplace."
I don't like this idea. I also don't consider it a "win win" idea. I think cell phones are a problem in stores. I think we'd all agree that it's irritating, demeaning, and debasing to help a customer who isn't giving you their undivided attention because they are talking on a phone, or texting, or checking sports scores on a phone, etc
burgermeister the problem is yes it's a problem to us in the markets but what company gives a damn as long as it brings them a few extra dollars to their bottom lines. it's my understanding from some articles I've read that soon when you walk into a store they will have face recognition camera's pick up on you and as soon as they pick up on you they will hit you with adds of things you buy, the signs coming into the store will change with each customer coming behind you
I can totally see whoever sends those offers driving the deli staff nuts with the free side dishes. It will be overhelming. To me it sounds spontaneous. Its not like they are reminding the customer of what is on sale (which could be cool) but are sending spur of the moment offers with out checking with the staff of that department first.
What they could do it show every sale item that is on a particular aisle so the customer can just see it on their phone and decide then. Eliminate the need for paper signs. Save the trees.
Notice how they say "win win for shoppers and retailers". That does not include the EMPLOYEES. They are the ones who get screwed here. Its only about making the bosses richer.
the internet is so "junked up" with crap and advertisements, that unsolicited emails/messages/notices
not only will be junked up with advertisements and surveys, but this will annoy shoppers
when I get unsolicited crap on my I phone I always think big brother has a camera on me,,,and I shut off my phone..
Maybe a better approach would be to have a store representative call customers on the phone while they are shopping and tell them of these great offers verbally?
Notice how they say "win win for shoppers and retailers". That does not include the EMPLOYEES. They are the ones who get screwed here. Its only about making the bosses richer.
For me, a "win win, win" situation would be where the customer could ask their phone where items are located in the store and it would tell them. Also, maybe tell if we're out of the item or not and which other stores have it.
Notice how they say "win win for shoppers and retailers". That does not include the EMPLOYEES. They are the ones who get screwed here. Its only about making the bosses richer.
For me, a "win win, win" situation would be where the customer could ask their phone where items are located in the store and it would tell them. Also, maybe tell if we're out of the item or not and which other stores have it.
The would be convenient especially if the customer could even ask the phone "isn't there anymore in the back?"