In the past 6 weeks I havebeen shot down by all the majorchain stores in Georgia to helpsponsor our meat cutting competition.
All fees for the meat competition will be refund to the competition entrants during the week of Oct 6th by our Club TreasurerCrystal Hayes, IF you haven't receive your refund by Oct 10,PLEASElet me know by
We have not gave up on this event, we will in the coming months form a Georgia Meat Cutter of the Year Committeethat will consist of Independent grocery stores, Butcher Shops and Meat Processing plants. The Meatcuttersclub will also raise the amount of prize money to be awarded, that figure isn't available at this time but we hope to make it $5000.00 dollars
I think we might have more success if we lean towards independents 100%. They still take pride in the trade while the major chains are cutting hours and bringing in pre pack and clerks to run the meat dept.