This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration and dispute internationally in China. We received an application from Huahong Ltd on August 4, 2014. They want to register " meatcuttersclub " as their Internet Keyword and " meatcuttersclub .cn "、" meatcuttersclub " 、" meatcuttersclub "、" meatcuttersclub " domain names etc.., they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find " meatcuttersclub " conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Hi Jim,
The meatcuttersclub name is trademark and are both register names in the USA
Based on your company having no relationship with them, we have suggested they should choose another name to avoid this conflict but they insist on this name as CN domain names (cn/ and internet keyword on the internet. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company and register it to promote his company. According to the domain name registration principle: The domain names and internet keyword which applied based on the international principle are opened to companies as well as individuals. Any companies or individuals have rights to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered. Because your company haven't registered this name as CN domains and internet keyword on the internet, anyone can obtain them by registration. However, in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner has priority to make this registration in our audit period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these CN domain names (cn/ and internet keyword to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send an application form and the price list to you and help you register these within dispute period.
Thats exactly what I thought. They are trying to get you to register and pay for the domain. Total scam. I can't stand these people. Can't they find something better to do with their time?
I wouldn't even give them anymore attention. They are trying a scare tactic to make you think you better act now before someone else gets a similar domain name. Let them have it. It will be their lose of money.
Leon- I'm pretty sure it's a TOTAL SCAM! We received the exact same email (even sounds like the exact same wording) a few months back. I forwarded it to our IT/corporate security. I would just ignore any future emails. As long as you already own the domain/URL which you obviously do, I think you should be good. I wish scammers had something better to do with their time — i.e. WORK like the rest of us!
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