Many years ago I had a man come in and ask me if I cut the money muscle. I told him no I didn't or knew anything about one, But tell me what it is and I'll cut it.
He showed me what he was talking about and I cut one, he became a regluar customer of mine for years after. taking three or four a week. I charge him a dollar more a lb for it over the cost of what I cut it from.
During the time I had a Hobart scale that I could make labels for meat products, I made a label for Pork Money Muscle, 2 dollars a lb more than what I sold it to him for. I sold around 8 to 10 a week.
Only problem about cutting the money muscle was you had to merchandise the other part or lose your butt. I did this 5 ways.
Back to the Question,any of you ever cut the money muscle?
For those that may want to know what this is I will post a picture of it in a few days
If I did that I would lose my copa! Thanks for putting a picture to this cut, I had always heard it but never seen it. I work fridays & saturdays and for some reason thats when all the bbq competitions are
I'm not a vegetarian, but have eaten many animals that were.