if your buying i dont care... I like just like 1-1/2"ribeyes of the chuck end and a cold beer(or2). Allot of my customers buy the dry aged and swear buy it. Me Im not picky
They are both great when aged and COOKED properly. I have had bad dry aged and bad wet aged. As long as the cook knows how to properly cook it both will turn out good, but great with a beer!
I'm not a vegetarian, but have eaten many animals that were.
Which aging process for me depends upon how it will be cooked. I do like wet aged for sustained cooking. Roasts and stews. Yet there's not much better than a dry aged steak over coals. Especially Mesquite or Oak seasoned coals. I've a buddy with a small beef jerky business. He's finally switched to using ball/sirloin tips for processing. He's found, with a little coaxing, that wet aging choice tips allows his seasoing's to adhere better. Granted there's a percentage of purge he looses. Enough out of me.