Your non profit corporation, Inc., has been filed with the state of Georgia. Your filed documents are available to your right. Please print/save them for your records.
the EIN has been successfully assigned. EIN Assigned: 46-4224176 Legal Name: MEATCUTTERSCLUBORG INC The IRS will be mailing you an official confirmation letter, which will contain important information regarding the EIN. Allow up to 4 weeks for the letter to arrive by mail.
The corporate kit and seal have been ordered and you should receive them soon!
From Aleks and the A1 Package - Meat Merchandising Team.
Ps. I hope you got our donation which is just a small token gesture of appreciation and recognition for your contribution to uniting and helping passionate meat cutters with the meatcuttersclub forum.
Is PRESENTATION realllly that important? -THE Meat Merchandising Products Guy
Do you have a good idea for a LABEL or P.O.P. MEAT MERCHANDISING item?
Please let me know (FREE PROTOTYPE SAMPLES SERVICE Exclusive to MeatCuttersClub).