Hi, i just joined this awesome club and have found a considerable wealth of knowledge here in a short time. Just wondering if anybody has ever made a landjaeger sausage including the smoking process. Any input would be much appreciated.
Barn Animal, I can't answer that question, while I spent 51 cutting meat I never was able to learn all the sausage making. That is why I don't call myself a Master Butcher, it takes years to learn that part of our trade. I cut mostly in high volume chain stores
But we have a lot of sausage experts here, some may take a day or so to answer you because of the holidays, just like Big Beef there, I would say there isn't much he doesn't know about sausage making
I did a session with a few meat scientists on dry cured sausages and landyaeger a couple years back. I will message you within the next few days with a recipe and the ferment/smoke process.
I'm not a vegetarian, but have eaten many animals that were.