This week I will also be going forward with seeking a non profit status for the Club, article of incorporation from the state of Ga. As a non profit the Club can do more and do things better for meat cutters and our Trade. As many of you know this will not be a over night thing, more than likely it make take three or four months
I will e-mailing some of you to ask if you would be a Appoint Initial Director, Our mission statement or statement of purpose for our organization has to be discussed as our incorporated organization will exists for educational, charitable reasons, advance training for meat cutters. NO trustees do not benefit financially from this non profit other than a small salary for Directors. Since I have to incorporate the Club I will be listed as the Executive Director, I do not feel a life time entitlement to be Executive Director, Board members will set the length of time a Director will serve, also the length of time a Board member will serve.
Club members fdarn our Club WebMaster, Jetplane our Club Graphic Artist will also be paid a small salary set by the board.
While their is many things to still discuss, they will coming as we go along BUT I want to say, EACH member of the Meat Cutters Club will have a vote on Board Members and any items the board will be considering will be posted a month before them acting on it so you can voice your opinion either on the message board below it or in a personal e-mail to the board.
In the 12 years of this Club, I have ask members to give money I think three times for members that were in trouble or a personal problem that they needed help on. I'M NOT ASKING YOU TO BUT IF YOU WANT TO DONATE A FEW DOLLARS TO THE COST OF THE INITIAL FEE'S THERE WILL SOON BE A DONATE BUTTON PLACE ON THE SITE SO YOU CAN DONATE A DOLLAR OR WHAT EVER YOU WISH TOO.
This site isn't about me or my ego BUT about each of you here that loves our trade, has Pride in it and wants to help past it on to our younger cutters that wants a place in it.