How do you feel about giving refunds for items purchased in other stores in your chain? Is it charged to you, or do you make note of where it was purchased and the store in question is charged for it.If you're the one charged, how do you feel about that?
I get it all the time, even rainchecks from other stores within my chain, It kinda sucks but the bottom line is that if it has our companys name on it then it should be honored. No matter what location issued it or sold it. I agree with the policy because as a customer, with a raincheck or bad product, I have already been inconvenienced as a patron. If I am closer to another store within the chain why should I have to drive further? Just have to remember that those few times this happens is not going to break your profit margin, but earning a new customer to your store is well worth it.
I get it all the time, even rainchecks from other stores within my chain, It kinda sucks but the bottom line is that if it has our companys name on it then it should be honored. No matter what location issued it or sold it. I agree with the policy because as a customer, with a raincheck or bad product, I have already been inconvenienced as a patron. If I am closer to another store within the chain why should I have to drive further? Just have to remember that those few times this happens is not going to break your profit margin, but earning a new customer to your store is well worth it.
I agree 100% J-Mansel
I'm not a manager, so it wouldn't affect me like it will some/most of you. However I know a certain company (who I won't mention) where they insist you return it to the exact store from where you bought it. This creates awkward moments for me when I'm in that situation.
I git another's stores returned every now and then. I hate when they bring something back from another store that was cut bad or just all together wrong. makes us look bad in my eyes