The Elite Butchers Association of Northern Ireland are a collective group of the premier butchers from the province were new products are developed, local produce assessed and related matters discussed.
The Elite Butchers are a self -help group, comprising of 16 butchers shops throughout the province. Our group is unique because our members meet monthly, to discuss problems that arise in the meat industry, as well as any issues that arise in our own individual businesses. We are a proactive group rather than a reactive group.
The Elite Butchers share ideas in product development and introduce new ideas to the group on a regular basis. Each month we share our recipes and product ideas in order to increase the variety and quality of meat products we sell to our own customers.
The activities of the Elite Butchers include:
We invite guest speakers to our monthly meetings to discuss subjects such as the latest machinery, computer programs, packaging, accounting, Employment Law and Hygiene. We even had a Doctor give us a very informative talk on stress associated with running a business.
We hold work shops to produce cook and sample new products. Our latest innovation is low fat meals completely ready for you to cook. These meals are exclusive to the Elite Butcher Shops and can be used in your diet plan.
We organize a yearly trip for research and development to view other butcher shops, meat plants, shop equipment and also farms to view the rearing and feeding methods.
We are well traveled! We have been on research trips to America, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, France, Scotland, England, Wales and all over Ireland. We have learnt a lot from these trips and the knowledge gained has been invaluable to the Elite Butchers, giving everyone acompetitive edge of expertise in the meat industry.
We, the Elite Butchers, have also hosted butchers from different countries. Not only were they impressed with the high standard of the Elite Butcher Shops within the group, but the friendliness of the Northern Irish people, and the surrounding beautiful scenery. Quite a few of the visiting butchers have returned for a holiday with their families.
The shops within the Elite Butcher group are independently owned. Each shop has their own range of products but we all sell Northern Ireland Farm Quality Assured Meat; in doing so we support our local farmers. The traditional methods and skills of butchery are still practiced within the Elite Butcher shops to bring you the finest range of meats possible.