Let’s take this moment to honor those men and women who have died in service of the military, and who have defended this nation and protected our freedoms. If you have loved ones who paid the ultimate sacrifice, know that I for one appreciate their service to this Nation
So get out there and enjoy those barbecues and camping trips and just have fun, Enjoy the freedoms and liberties you have as Americans.
BBQ's? Camping trips? Come on Leon, you've been retired too long! I was so tired at the end of the day on Saturday, I couldn't even eat dinner--and I had two days to go! The older I get, the harder these "holidays" are.
Meat Monkey, there is a old saying, " every one likes a little ass, NO one likes a smart ass " Guess I'm fixing to fall in the last part of that LOL
SO what you saying you can't cut meat all day, run home eat a bite, take a shower go party till 1 or 2 in the morning, sleep two hours and GO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN ??? " Shame on you "' LOL
I manage to make it to 55 before I had to give up the party part for the couch and evening nap. LOL
All the 70's we had two night clubs meat cutters from A&P and some cutters from other chains met at on Thur, Fri., Sat night, We would party,sleep a few hours, take a shower, eat a sausage biscuit, pop two west coast turn arounds, go back to work, may catch a nap at lunch on the stock in the back room or under the cutting tables. When I worked off on Sunday evening at 5 I went home and went to bed, would sleep all night and most of Monday, Tuesday morning I would start all over. MIGHT be why I played out at 55
Ahhh Monkey you a better man than me, at 6 in the morning I'm working on my third cup of coffee to get the energy to pound my key board for 6 to 7 hours lol Last party I went to was about 8 years ago when my wife could still dance. When Parkinson's hit her we just stopped everything more or less.