I have a 4 person dept and lately I have been trying a mix of 6 to 3 and 9 to 6 coverage. My schedule would usually be 7 to 4 (or whenever I'm done) and I have one part timer 7 to 12 fixed schedule.
my only problem is ensuring that the 6 to 3 and 9 to 6 are reliable if I'm not around, which so far has been good
What is the best mix for you? is later than 9 to 6 really worth it? (it puts more pressure on the morning crew to get the case full)
geez what happens with days off and vacations, you need an 8-5 guy that way if the 9-6 dude dosnt show the 8-5 can fill in for 1/2 hr or whatevere your payroll can handle so you can have a lfe. i started off with 7 butchers and left when there was only 3 because they wouldnt hire any cutters.after 6pm not much bussiness as long as the counter full they really cant say much, if they do encourage speicals orders to fill that need "call me before you leave work and ill have it waiting for you" that kinda thing
That is a good idea Doc, I let my staff bank hours and take them later, I am maybe too flexible with the schedule at times. I just stick around and put in extra hours if someone is sick or has a certain day off such as a stat holiday or special event. I am salary so I try and stick to 40 to 45 hrs on regular weeks. I could live there if I wanted, but I think if everything is taken care of and the numbers are good it shouldn't be an "unwritten rule" that you have to put in 50 to 60 hrs a week while being paid 40. We have a new produce manager and she had a busy 12 day stretch, I recommended she pushes one of her staff to move their ass and then she would be able to get her ordering and paperwork done in time lol
the afternoon/evening person, is the key, because you need the productivity momentum, so you are looking good the next morning without overcutting
if you have a morning shift that bulls and is highly productive, but the afternoon/evening shift cruises, because case levels are decent this can have a negative boomerang affect the next morning
most stores, the busiest time of the day is between 2-7, years ago, the bulk of the hours use to be in the a.m. on self service cases if, you spread out the hours, you gotta be disciplined to plan ahead. if you have a "wanderer" that when things are looking good- they start cruising- then someone else has to pick up the slack
There's always been a correlation- the faster you work, the faster the clock goes- the day can fly right by, and you feel good about a good days work