Recent media stories have prompted an increase in conversations around how beef is raised and food safety, with a specific focus on mechanically tenderized steaks, and may lead to questions from your shoppers. We've compiled the top ideas and resources that you can use in shopper communications and meat department education. Familiarize yourself and share with staff to ensure your store is equipped to handle shoppers' questions:
Arm your meat counter managers with the right resources, such as Print out consumer-friendly fact sheets or direct shoppers to this website to get the answers they seek such as:
Today's Beef Choices- Overview of the variety of beef choices available in today's meat case, including grass-finished, natural and certified organic beef.
Register at to receive updates anytime a new myth is posted.
Follow and share online content to help engage shoppers in accurate and educational conversations about beef. Working together, we can help provide answers to consumers' questions
Follow @BeefFactson Twitter and re-tweet any information we share with your audiences.
"Like" the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) on Facebook and encourage your Facebook friends to do so as well. Here you can engage in an on-line conversation with U.S. farmers and ranchers from around the country on how food is raised.
Encourage shoppers that have questions about how beef is raised to get answers directly from the source by visiting or These active rancher bloggers can answer yours or consumer questions one-on-one. Or ask one of these bloggers to do a guest blog for you site.
Refer shoppers to industry sources to find answers to common questions about agriculture and meat processing.
The new FoodSource website provides answers to common questions about agriculture.
USFRA has partnered with Anderson Live to answer viewer questions about how food is raised. The first episode about crop farming appeared in October. Recently, an Anderson Live viewer visited Kansas rancher Debbie Lyons-Blythe to get the facts about meat. Go to for your local listing and tune-in on Thursday, Dec. 13.