Feb. 15 – Conference – Rocky Mount, NC at Nash Community College
If you are interested in the Carolinas’ rapidly growing organic agriculture sector, there is no better place to connect with commercial-scale organic producers and organic commodity and livestock experts than the Annual Organic Commodities & Livestock Conference. It is a not-to-be-missed Conference for Organic, Transitioning-to-Organic and Conventional Farmers and Ranchers, Agriculture Professionals and Commodities Groups interested in learning more about organic commodities and sustainable livestock and vegetable production.
“People in the Carolinas are demanding more local, organic food choices. The Organic Commodities and Livestock Conference is a great opportunity for conventional and sustainable farmers and ranchers to learn more about how to break into the growing organic market,” says Roland McReynolds, CFSA’s Executive Director.
The conference features workshops on organic grain varieties, organic tobacco production, holistic vet care, soil fertility, and organic disease management. The $35 Conference registration includes lunch, keynote address, multiple workshops, and an evening reception on Feb. 15. The conference keynote speaker is Thor Oeschner, owner of Oeschner Farms in Newfield, NY. Mr. Oeschner will enlighten, energize and surely make us laugh as he shares his story about running his 300 acre farm, a mill, and a bakery.
This year, for the first time, there will also be two free on-farm workshops. These pre-conference workshops happen Thursday, Feb. 14 at Lindale Dairy a certified organic dairy in Snow Camp, NC and at Hocutt Farms, a certified organic vegetable farm in Sims, NC. On-farm workshops are free, but you must pre-register.
For a complete list of conference offerings or to register for an on-farm workshop or the full conference, please visit: www.carolinafarmstewards.org/oclc. The registration deadline is Feb. 4, 2013.
The Organic Commodities and Livestock Conference is sponsored by: The Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, NCSU and Organic Valley
Amy Armbruster - Communications Coordinator
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
Helping people in the Carolinas grow and eat local, organic foods by advocating for fair farm and food policies, building the systems sustainable family farms need to thrive, and educating and organizing our communities about local, organic farming.
Are you a CFSA member? Please consider joining 2,500 Carolinians who care about their food and our farmers!