Thank you Leon, I am proud to be a member here, I am giving thanks for just having a job in these hard times. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving EVERYBODY!!!!
HI guys still trying to work out how your web site comes together,i will get there in the end! Ibet you,ve all been run of your feet with the holidays.A very busy time back here in England for the Meat trade,Do you get much time off in holidays? I,ll keep it short as its my first message,and you all have a great holiday Andy
Same to you Leon and all club members. No bird for me though. Just my daughter and I this thanksgiving I asked her if she wanted turkey or ham and she said fish HA! Fish it will be. Canadian walleye and perch. 100 miles from lake Michigan and about the same to lake Erie and we gotta eat Canadian fish? Somethin' wrong with this picture! lol! Now I gotta go do dishes so I have something to cook with ha! Peace Out.......