wow they must tell alot of customers "NO!" I am always cutting turkeys in half or splitting pig feet for people. i wouldn't mind having that sign on my saw some of the the crap i have to do makes me a little nervous. and last sunday I had to cut 125 wogs in half for a church.
-- Edited by fdarn on Wednesday 8th of August 2012 08:59:03 PM
I don't know why they wont let you cut knifed products from the right side of the saw. Who would finish the cut from the front of the saw? That's dangerous! Maybe they mean "you may no longer knife bone in steaks or chops". Just to spite them, if some idiot safety coordinator came in, I'd knife something and CAREFULLY finish it from the left side of the saw.
Also, what about not being allowed to cut smoked ham shanks and hocks? I'm asked to do that more than once every day. And pig feet?? It's almost mandatory to cut them. How could you not cut pig feet if someone asks? What kind of sissy wouldn't cut a femur bone???
I sure would not have minded having my company tell me I could not cut those things on the saw. Pigs feet - no big deal but steer feet is pretty scary. I still remember the Indian guy who would not accept "NO" for an answer when he wanted me to cut up a frozen New Zealand leg of lamb into one inch cubes on the saw. He told me to just "Shut up and do your job!" That was not the way to influence me. When I still refused he said he was going to see my store manager and what did I say to that? I said "Tell him Jim says hello!" At that it took three of us to drag him out of the store!
BTW I am missing the tip of my middle finger on my right hand thanks to the band saw so I have tons of respect for it.
most chain stores in this area.....wont slice or split any hams or picnics, wont slice dog bones,,,,and now, wont even grind a roast on sale!!
they say its for safety purposes....more so on the cross contaminations
I work with Independents, so the more the chain stores say NO! the better we look saying YES WE CAN!
I hardly ever said no to a customer....and we use to split many frozen turkeys thru the saw.... I's demand each cutter double check,,that the clip(around the drumsticks) is plastic and not metal ...
but you can guess.....we had a few close calls...especially with a slant saw
had a lot of those same rules at Harris Teeter There also was a CCTV Camera right above the saw and if you caught violating the rules you were written up You also had to wear a Orange Cut Resistant Glove when ever you handled the blade (orange can be seen on the CCTV better) This included putting on or taking off the blade, changing blades, unwrapping blades, washing blades I like these rules!!
My goal every day is to go home with the same 10 I walked in with
Joe Parajecki
Operations Manager/ Partner
Kettle Range Meat Company, Milwaukee WI
Member Meat Cutter Hall of Fame and The Butcher's Guild
They took the saws out of our shops 2 years ago, nothing is cut at my company with a bone in it, it comes in pre-pack, or pre-sliced, we still cut all the boneless stuff