If you have to use the search to find us, use this,meatcuttersclub.com Dalton, Ga.
Each vote is like a raffle ticket (only one vote per fan): the more votes we get, the more chances we have to win $5,000. Votes are counted by e-mail addresses, SO ONLY ONE VOTE TO A E-MAIL ADDRESS PLEASE. If you want to vote with your wifes or friends e-mail addy that is fine.
cowboy we got a good group of people here and I think we all would like to see the site win this. I got two more votes coming from my in laws tomorrow. the site is very supportive, lots of information and I would really like to see it grow even bigger. I think down the line with all of us pulling together we could do a lot for out trade.
Lets get the vote out guys, get those friends and family to vote, what it take 3 mins to vote?
Thanks Bill, this would really help the site grow, my wife use to help me on it but her Parkinson's has reach a point where it's hard on her to help me, If we get this I'm hiring two part time people to do all she use to do plus send out e-mails to cutters and meat industry companies.
I'm trying to get a meat cutting school open up here in Georgia but it's hard to do through e-mails and phone calls, you have to go see these people, it would help on that also.
As it is I stay on my computer, phone 10 hours a day, 7 days a week, If it wasn't for fdarn I would be up the creek with out a paddle LOL