Maternal instincts, especially udder size, and calving ease. They also have particularly large eyes (longissimus dorsi... not the ones that require spectacles)...
...I know that a few years ago Gelbvieh was all the rage in some areas and that a lot of the fellas were disappointed at how lean and muscled they were. It was mostly tongue in cheek.
I was reading a article on this a few days ago. funny how it all got started. From Japan. These animal was first met to be Ox`s, used and breed for hauling. Up to 40 years ago. then when someone started to feed them out, 40 yrs ago. Being they had No pasture to graze them, they was put Into boxed pens.
Then here, we got fears too and what we`re feeding cattle, getting e-coli. and being natural feed or not and so-on. lol
I have NOT had Kobe beef, I raised beef and feel i can produce the tenderizes steak one can have, Short of doing it the Kobe way. Meaning Far less cost for the buck- bang.
Now, yes some breeds is different from others, for sure example. Angus will have 8% bone in vs Holsteins cattle will have as high as 14%.
Or put another way. If I fed You a steak that was from livestock that was Registered - High dollar for the papers. vs same type cattle from a local sale barn. One costing me 40-60 K and the other costing me 1k. with the same type body frame size, so it would hit in the same to Bone lose - body growth size
But, feed them out the same, You think you could tell the differences in taste ?
Dont get me wrong, I am very firm believer in spending good money to your Bull, for this is where in raising cattle "IS YOUR BEST SPEND CASH. For sure"... BUT You can go over board. get caught-up in a Fade.