Perfect Gift for your friends in meat shops, meat markets, restaurants, foodservice companies, and culinary schools, as well as by serious home butchers
The ultimate guide to beef fundamentals and master cutting techniques by
An ideal training tool that’s perfect for use in grocery stores, restaurants, foodservice companies, and culinary schools, as well as by serious home butchers, The Art of Beef Cutting provides clear, up-to-date information on the latest meat cuts and cutting techniques.
Written by Kari Underly, a leading expert in meat education, this comprehensive guide covers all the fundamentals of butchery and includes helpful full-color photos of every cut, information on international beef cuts and cooking styles, tips on merchandising and cutting for profit, and expert advice on the best beef-cutting tools.
This is the only book on the market to include step-by-step cutting techniques and beef fundamentals along with information on all the beef cuts from each primal
Includes charts of NAMP/IMPS numbers, URMIS UPC codes, and main muscles for each beef cut; Latin American cut names and cooking methods; and cooking tips for each cut for easy reference
The author is an expert meat cutter who has developed some of the newest meat cuts for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and created their current retail beef cut charts
The Art of Beef Cutting is the perfect reference and training manual for anyone who wants to master the basic techniques of beef fabrication.
We have a copy of the book and what I like about it is the fact that is goes through all aspects of the process — from cutting techniques (including cutting for profit) to understanding the different types of beef and cuts, as well as seasoning and cooking tips. It also covers tools, safe handling and injury prevention. I'm a visual person so I liked the step-by-step photos also.
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I do. It’s about detail, nurturing, and grounding. Men tend to — there are some very good men butchers — but women have more finesse, makes sure it looks pretty, with more nurturing care. Guys are more about production: How much can I get done? It’s about might vs. finesse.