Our complete programs are designed for all marinating opportunities including:
Grocery Stores
Home Meal Replacement
Butcher Shops
Meat Wholesalers
Institutional Food Preparation
Meat Processors
We are the only company to offer marinades with the patented GROVACTM process. These marinades are proven to eliminate up to 99.5% of harmful bacteria in meats, poultry and seafood when used in MARINATORTMType "GV" Vacuum Tumblers.
In addition to unsurpassed safety, our marinating programs will extend the shelf life of processed product, enhance flavor, increase moisture and reduce fat & cholesterol!
The Marinade ExpressTM Does It Better and Faster! The revolutionary Marinade Express™ tabletop vacuum tumbler gives cooking and marinade enthusiasts an exciting and natural way to improve your food preparation. MX Marinades deeply penetrate food in minutes, not hours. Food prepped in the appliance comes out much more tender, juicy, flavorful, fresher tasting and healthy. Other methods of marinating do not compare. Sometimes you prefer to highlight the natural taste of food and do not want to add marinade flavor. Then you can use the unflavored MX Marinade. You will want all your meats, flavored or unflavored, to take a fast ride on The Marinade ExpressTM before they arrive at the cooking station! Once there, meats will cook 20 to 30 % faster than normal, because of their increased juiciness.