Upcoming Local Meat Workshop 4 DAYS LEFT to register at regular rates! And just a few seats left for Whole Animal Butchery for Farmers and Chefs with Kari Underly of Range, Inc, Chicago, IL. This training is geared toward farmers who direct market pasture-raised meats including beef and pork as well as chefs, retail butchers and commercial meat processors who want to learn new ways to look at and utilize local beef and pork carcasses for profit. During this 6 hour intensive session attendees will have the opportunity to watch a master butcher break down an entire side of locally produced beef and pork with in-depth discussion of most profitable utilization, cooking preparations specific to primals, sub-primals and retail cuts, merchandising and meat quality assessment. This course will fortify any beef or pork producer or food professional's ability to "talk meat" with anyone in the meat supply chain-particularly consumers. Check out this video on Kari's new book The Art of Beef Cutting: A Meat Professional's Guide to Butchering and Merchandising. This course is being offered both days- Monday, March 19th and again Tuesday, March 20th. There are a handful of seats available in both sessions. The conference is being held at the Silk Hope Community Center in beautiful Chatham County, NC. www.silkhopenc.org $120/day until Monday March 12th- then rate goes to $160. Lunch is included. Tickets are available online only at www.carolinameatconference.com More About Kari Underly and Range, Inc. This is Kari's second time training in North Carolina's farmers and chefs with NC Choices. Kari is a third generation meat cutter who serves as an industry consultant because of her specialties in beef cutting, merchandising and marketing. Kari is well known for her work with the National Cattlemen's Beef Association where she worked to develop the value added beef shoulder cuts including the now popular Flat Iron Steak and Denver Steak. More information on Kari and Range, Inc can be found here http://www.rangepartners.com/meet_kari.html
Monday Night Supper at the Eddy Pub Also, join us for Monday Night Supper at the Eddy Pub in Saxapahaw, NC- you do not have to attend the workshop to join us for dinner so bring your friend, business partner or that new fling! Tickets online or at the Eddy Pub! For info and registration, go to www.carolinameatconference.com
Casey McKissick NC Choices www.ncchoices.com www.carolinameatconference.com NC Choices is a Center for Environmental Farming Systems' (CEFS) initiative that promotes sustainable food systems through the advancement of local, pasture-based meat production, processing and marketing. CEFS is a partnership of NC State University, NC A&T University and the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.