I know a lot of you are eating those old fat well marble ribeyes,Strips, T-bones & 1 inch sirloin steaks with a 1/4 trim, so I thought I would let you see how to eat healthy
Screw that. Give me my marbling! We got some sirloins with the cap on the other day, I took a nice slice off, didn't trim it a bit, and took it home. mmmmm
I remember when I first started wrapping in '02 we still got commodity trimmed shortloin and usually ran em on ad for fathers day. I'd always get 4 of em untrimmed and grill em up. Now it's all XT or CRT...just not the same.
Yes, you need some marbling for quality-but if you ask the average customer to pick out a good steak- over half will choose a leaner one-why?? a couple reasons,,,,first, say you have a 10.99lb choice rib-eye in your case-you can have the most beautiful well marbled steak out there-we know it will be tender and delicious- to mrs. average customer-the marble is still fat and fat from meat will cause high cholesterol, and heart disease-as mrs. consumer has heard for 25 years from the media-also, you want me to pay 11.00lb for all that fat?
that is what is good about full service meatcases, you can talk to your customers more and educate them.
The newer studies of meats being good for you-we should all post around our departments and maybe in flyers
Some stores-competitors are buying the cheap no-roll grades (or cow beef)and selling on price-not quality, and to the uneducated customer (a rib-eye is a rib-eye) in a down economy-unfortunately many customers buy this cheaper stuff-I preach to stay with quality- you can be confident selling your product, and even if someone is buying a whole rib-eye or strip for 4.49lb if it is cherry or tough as leather, they wont buy there ever again.