What kind of stickers do you use to grab the customers attention? I've been trying to locate a decent vendor to buy a bunch of custom Day-Glo orange labels since they're simple and effective. I don't like the giant stickers that peel back with recipies because they cover too much of the product and the customers peel back and then leave them.
If anyone knows of an online retailer that can make me a ton of the orange Day-Glo's please hook me up! Thanks guys - I know I can count on the amazing people here :)
Bunzl is a national company (I think) use to buy from them
some stickers you can get on the cheap off e-bay
my fav stickers is-great on the grill-yellow with flames on it
I love stickers- customers buy meat for different reasons-the quick and easy customers- I'll put all my quick meats together-sandwich steaks, cube steaks- stir-fry-thin sliced steaks- I'd place signs all around quick&easy-I even had a baseball cap that said quick&easy on it it worked!!!
I also put extra lean on everything i could, from diabetics, to dieters to customers with high cholesterol- many customers are looking for leaner meats-and the sticker is just that added validation, that may sell it
for recipes, I set up a recipe raffle for my customers- to please submit their fav recipe- for a chance to win a 39.00 meat freezer plan I received over 400 recipes in two weeks and set up a recipe board this was better and much more personal than stock recipes
I also did alot of funky stuff- id truss a whole fryer for the rotisserrie- and call it a rottisserrie chicken (they would sell well-many folks have a rotisserrie, but dislike tying the chickens- id also sell a crock pot beef roast....the bnls chuck roast-