Worldwide recession hitting us all,even Tesco our bigest retailer have had a bad year,shares dropped 12.% which amounts to several billion pounds being lost on the stock market. It's bad news out there chaps.
HI LIEO i was introduced to meat cutters club by martin odeya from quality cuts i hope to share with you more of professional ideas thanks Annie Kampala Uganda.
been there done that.....Farmer Jack did that to us, then eventually the whole company went under....just a matter of time for food lion too....sign of the times, I feel bad for the employess
Man, I just went through that. My company cleared bankruptcy last year and has now paid off all their debts. Survived all the layoffs, store closings, pay cuts and benefit eliminations. Now hopefully they'll give us something back.
Competition in this business is ferocious. You better figure out what you do best and do it better or you will be toast!