I live about 30 miles from Pittsburgh. They fought like hell for those raises.
Our (Kroger) negotiations started right after theirs ended. We ended up getting a whole .40 over 3 years. Better than what they initially offered though. No raises and a huge increase in health care costs. They kept saying "in this tough economy" but people gotta eat right?
Last time around with kroger, we got two " bonuses" and a 25 cent raise. The inflated the middle and upper management and support services. Also a program to streamline meat depts to run on skeleton crews. Just sayin
are unions are going down and down every negotiation.......i met some cutters from 30 years ago makeing 25 plus an hour cause they are on old contracts and guys cutting 5 years doing the same job only making as low as 13 14 dollars an hour.....its sad no wonder good cutters ...no wonder cutters are becoming few and far between