for those of you who didn't know...Kari was a consultant on the project. this is actually my shop and yes I have 5 apprentices, 9 counter guys and 3 cutters We do over 100k a week and the business is growing every day
Joe Parajecki
Operations Manager/ Partner
Kettle Range Meat Company, Milwaukee WI
Member Meat Cutter Hall of Fame and The Butcher's Guild
Lady T-Bone there are lots of people out there looking for work right now, you just have to find the ones that are willing to put in the time and learn My guys are awesome The counter guys now want to come into the back and learn too
Joe Parajecki
Operations Manager/ Partner
Kettle Range Meat Company, Milwaukee WI
Member Meat Cutter Hall of Fame and The Butcher's Guild
It would be nice to see chains go back to cutting hanging again, not to many want to learn now big beef it seems here in south, all I can say is it was good to me, took care of my wife and kids ex-wife lol
It seems that my customer base are asking for cuts you don't typically find in boxed beef. I just missed out on hanging beef when I started, but I'd love to learn. As long as I don't have to do all the boning :)
Big Beef, I'm hoping you're right. We simply carry a very limited supply. Management told us a while back to stop carrying blade chucks. We sold them well. It wasn't "insert our store name". WTF does that mean? Rich folk like bones too! If it's not a middle meat management doesn't want to carry it. It's all about 'image'. It's stupid imo. I can sell anything to anyone if I had it to sell. *sigh*
I would be satisfied if people would scrape chops and steaks on both sides again, stop reworking meat into fresh grinds (yuck) and keep the cooler door closed ! I'll pass on the hanging beef, too old now!
Wow that's an impressive concept! I hope they succeed. When I started, we had 15 cutters plus the meat manager and second man, all full time, plus 5 full time and 2 part time wrappers. When I left the trade I had 4 cutters including myself and my second man, and one of the cutters was part time, plus 1 full time and 1 part time wrappers. Even going from hanging beef back in the beginning, to boxed beef and chill-pack chicken at the end, it's no wonder that my volume went from $150k/week in mid-70's dollars to $50-$60k/week in mid-90's dollars when I left in 1995. I applaud this entrepreneur for taking this bold step and I'd certainly like to hear how they do!