70% of ALL Beef and Chicken has been treated with Carbon Monoxide Gas. It makes bad meat look good even though it may have spoiled. The practice of treating meat with carbon monoxide could hide thegrowth of pathogens such as Clostridium Botulinum, Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7. How many people have become poisoned by this chemical technique that creates a false appearance of freshness? Why have we not been told about this chemically altered meat that we are eating and feeding our children? Our Government works on behalf of big business NOT for The People Of America! The FDA approved the practice as safe for use with packaged in July 2004 in response to requests from two food companies. The EU prohibits food companies from using carbon monoxide.
Isn't that only the case ready stuff that they're talking about? A lot of the meat they showed is not the case ready stuff.
I'm not sure if their figures are right. What did they say 70%? That sounds high. Maybe a projected 70-80 in the near future, but not yet (I hope). The future doesn't look good for our jobs, or for meat.
It's surprising to me that after 24 hours out refrigeration the meat still looked good. That sounds dangerous to me.
The supermarkets over here still gas flush their meat,I worked in a meat plant in the 90s they would pack the meat then put in a vast chiller until the supermarkets had a sale,buy one get one free jobbies.
They could be stored for up to a week without being priced and dated, I guess this was a way to keep up with the orders.
I often wondered how long it was from packing to the cooking.
never handled it but have seen a lot of it, it's crap to me, i'm glad the public hasn't took to it. Have had to deal with some pre sliced that you tray, now that is pure crap