Anyone looking for a job in the 33952 Zip Code area, (PORT CHARLOTTE FL ) We need an experienced meat cutter and sausage maker who knows how to work the newer Koch equip thats computerized...thanks for looking please contact if qualified
Sounds like a great opportunity, but Florida is too hot for me!
As to computerized equipment, back when I was in the trade I was the only one in my 150 store chain to fully utilize the computerized Hobart 5000 scales for weekly production reports, cutting tests, and in one store I even discovered that someone was going into the cutting room between 2 and 4 am when the store was open but my department unmanned, and marking down veal cutlets to $1.99/lb.! It took some convincing but I eventually convinced store management to padlock all the doors to the dept. We never caught the culprit because the surveillance video "mysteriously" disappeared, but once the doors were padlocked, the activity stopped and my shrink improved!
I have the honor to request from the company; the granting of a training course or work employs deficit of 2 to 5 years in butcher shop.
In effect, I have been interested in the organization of your deli whose image is present on the net I be impressed by your side.
When your me, I have some experience in the meat (beef cattle and goats, goat, sheep ram ... work has the slaughterhouse) in West Africa. And parts attached below shows details of my ability in this area.
I would be very grateful for this training grant m in society for allowing me to deepen my experience and become more professional.
thank you for your conprehension
Ihave the honorto requestfrom the company;the granting ofa training courseorworkemploysdeficit of2 to 5years inbutcher shop. Ineffect, I havebeen interested intheorganization of yourdeliwhoseimage is presenton the netIbeimpressedby your side. When yourme, I havesome experiencein themeat(beefcattle and goats,goat,sheepram...workhas theslaughterhouse) inWestAfrica.And partsattachedbelowshowsdetails ofmy abilityin this area. I would bevery grateful forthis traininggrantmin societyfor allowing metodeepenmy experienceand becomemore professional. thank you for yourconprehension
yo cumplo los requisitos pero vivi en españa lol ! leon creo que deberias hacer un apartado en la pagina principal para este tipo de temas se podria llamar bolsa de trabajo de la carne y ahi cada uno poder postear las ofertas que conozca para puestos de carnicero un abrazo desde bilbao (españa)