Does anyone have any tricks to stop or at least minimize ground beef turning brown in the middle of the loaf in the service case? I've tried changing how I grind it from grinding it fairly tight to grinding it really loose in the pan which slows it down a lot but it is still there for some little old lady to complain about. My service case is running well, so I don't think temperature is an issue.
Lightbulbs are SPX30's. We mostly use tube grind ranging from 85% to 93%. Every once and a while we will cut up some chucks or clods for grinds if we have to.
I agree with Kbraker, grind smaller amounts and more often. This browning is something you wont be able to get away from, one of the things we all have to deal with, always have and always will. Can is correct, lack of oxygen is the cause.
I'm not a vegetarian, but have eaten many animals that were.
Yeah, That is kind of what I figured. We have just started grinding a couple hours of ground beef at a time. That seems to be the best way to go.
Although it does spark an interesting question....if my ground beef turns brown in the middle and everyone else says my competition's doesn't at all, makes me wonder what they are doing to that stuff?
they are all lies i worke dor 5 different companies and not one of them had ground beef always looking fresh. its just that the ones who get a big volume of customers will go through their grinds before they get a chance to turn.