when I was a young woman I take a job wrapping meat, it was just me and Henry our butcher, I use to help him trim and tray. over the years watching him I learn a lot and then he begain to teach me, he got in bad health and I begain to cut more, he finally past away and they gave me his job, I been here 23 years. How long has been the longest time any of you have been in one market
when I was a young woman I take a job wrapping meat, it was just me and Henry our butcher, I use to help him trim and tray. over the years watching him I learn a lot and then he begain to teach me, he got in bad health and I begain to cut more, he finally past away and they gave me his job, I been here 23 years. How long has been the longest time any of you have been in one market
I like that question.
I don't think it's been asked here before. My record is 10 years. (I've been in the business since 1978).
Part of being in one place a long time depends on how many stores are in the chain. The more stores, especially in your area, the more chance of getting transferred. If you work at Safeway (I don't) in my area, you'll be transferred about every two years. They have a few dozen store within 20 miles of me.
One time I got transferred because two guys at another store couldn't get along. They had to be separated and I had to replace the one that left.
I got a transfer once because of something I said to the store manager (no not meat manager, the main manager of the store)
I got a transfer to open a brand new store once.
I got transferred when a store closed.
I got a transfer when I stepped down from 2nd man.
I've been at my current store about 5 years and hope it's my last stop
I have only been at one store. Started here in 1977, left in 1982 for to see the world with the USAF, came back to the same store in 1986 and took a pay cut of $1.50/hr just to have the job. Then in 1987 suffered a severe lapse in judgement and bought the shop.....LOL Been here ever since and have to say I have never been sorry I did. So thats about a 30 year span in one shop
I'm not a vegetarian, but have eaten many animals that were.
i have been in the business for 14 years and the longest i stayed with any one company was 4 years. alot of that was due to moving out of state and then moving back again. I have never been with anyone for less than 2 years though.
I think about 4 years or so. Had no problems until a new market manager of mine couldn't keep his employees in check. I blew up at the store director and demanded a transfer. I got it and all was well. That market manager is still a good friend of mine to this day. We just had different opinions on how to run a market, as I was his 2nd man. Outside of work, damn...we've had some fun times! I also assisted him during the introduction to his now wife!
The company I work for moves cutters around all the time never at the same store more than a few years. The managers are diffrent they seem to stay put alot longer. I have been the meat manager at my store for 4 years now.
For me 7 years. We have several 30 plus year cutters and wrappers in our chain. Come to think of it we have a bunch of 30 plus year employees in our chain from all departments of the stores.