Wow thats alot of extra time. We are only under health dept inspection, but ive worked in a USDA and State inspected plants so I remember doing that paperwork. About all we log now is grinding logs, temps, and keep COOL on file for USDA.
HAACP was a big joke where I used to work. Impossible to follow. You'd need a full time employee (doing only that) to do it correctly. One of the many big LIES was that we clean the saw between species. We were forced to sign a book full of rules, one of which says we'll never cross contaminate the band saw. If we cut beef, we'll completely take it apart, clean and sanitize it before cutting lamb or pork. Not very practical. What if a customer wants a pork item while you're cutting beef? Make her/him wait while you clean the saw. Then cut her item and then clean the saw AGAIN before going back to beef? My former company wanted the paper work to show we had a perfectly clean store while at the same time not giving any help to do all that. The paper work provided a way for any problem to legally be no fault of the store. If anyone gets sick, just go back to the paperwork from the day in question, see who signed it, and that's who's fault it is. The too hot wall deli that they wouldn't fix is a good example of this.
Oh, about the band saw: I requested a hand saw for small jobs to save us all the cleaning. Say someone wants a lamb shank cracked(while we're cutting pork), I could do it that way. They never considered it.
I have worked for many state inspected plants including the one I just left.
It's true many companies hire a person just for haccp. We couldn’t afford that so the two employees who spent the two day training period required to be certified, spend at least an hour a day plus we all pitched in on the paper work.
Smoked product finish temp and cooling time. Product recorded after being moved from ready to eat packing room to shipping cooler. The pre-operation inspection. On and on.
When I did mine ,it just seem to be a waste of time ,I knew what they where saying as I did it every day anyway. Just an easy way to get more money of us . It takes approx an hour to check all the fridges ,freezers/coldrooms etc,then write everything and I mean everthing down. The guy we had teaching us used to say a piece of A4 paper is there to cover your arse. umm.
.......... It takes approx an hour to check all the fridges ,freezers/coldrooms etc,then write everything and I mean everthing down..........................................
At the company that I left about 8 years ago (who's name doesn't matter), most of the guys did all the temperature checks from the desk. Meaning they didn't check. They just wrote down random numbers, most of which were under 40 F, but a few over 40 and then they'd make up their "corrective action". It kind of made a guy like me who wrote the truth, look like a trouble maker. Wall deli was hot, many items in the mid 50s. I had to leave a 20 year job over this.
I do all the paperwork, verification and soon. My two sons do the SSOP's and Daily Operational. I'm state inspected,but required to comply with every thing federal does. The state inspection is so scared of the feds coming in and finding something that things get changed all the time.It gets a little old, but the communication chain is alot smaller at the state level. If I have a problem I cancall up the state director and get an answer.
If I knew how much fun grandkids were,I would of had them first!
Bill I am in the same boat as you and glad to hear that Wisconsin is no different than Iowa inspection. Its like they keep looking over thier shoulder to see what big brother fed is looking at. I often feel this makes state inspection much tighter than what I hear from friends who have federal plants. Kinda makes me sick when they say if it's not written down it didnt happen. I agree with you on the communication part too. Very easy to get an answer from the state, and a competent answer
I'm not a vegetarian, but have eaten many animals that were.
could it be possible that all these regulations and requirements to log all sanitary activities are merely a means to have excuses to fine companies for violations in order to make money for the government whether it be state or federal? I inquire about this because some of these rules are just a tad unrealistic.
I look at it as a way they can regulate us without responsibility on thier part. Something goes wrong they say " Well, they said they...." they do it to appease the consumer groups.
I'm not a vegetarian, but have eaten many animals that were.
I have never had a fine, or even heard of one. But it could happen. Itis just a way for big brother to keep an eye on you. Don't get me started on OSHA or Animal Welfare people. UGGG!
If I knew how much fun grandkids were,I would of had them first!