they let me do what i think is best and try new things if i want to,. however i have a hard time getting someone to put new numbers in the scale for new items i want to try so i don't really get around to all of them.
If there is no PLU number for it we cant have it in our cases, Kinda sucks cause there are alot of diffrent styles of cutting meat and people relocate nowdays so people are always asking for diffrent things.
really depends on the store manager. they want them all the same at everystore but we all no that what sells at one store dont sell at another. as long as it looks good and eveything flows togeather they dont say anything most of the time
We can do pretty much what we want...if there is no plu for the scale and I make something new, then I just change a plu to say what I want it to...just try to get a plu that is close to whatever i am making at the time.....but yes we pretty much have free reign on what we do!