anyone use meat specific software that gives you the yield on a whole bottom, shoulder, etc. If you do, what do you think of the software, is it useful and where did you get it.
Thats a difficult one because each primal will vary with each packers trim specs, or if you are buying farm direct each farmer will feed his animals out different from someone else. I do cutting tests and store them all on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. This works well for me and based on previous cut tests we have a general idea what the yields will be, but like anything you can always get some with a lot of bark on them that throws you for a loss. If you or anyone would like to see the format that I use drop me a line and I will email it to you. It's very simple and very basic but does the job for me.
I'm not a vegetarian, but have eaten many animals that were.
RJ i'm with you, I never believe what DM's told me it said because you could turn around and do a test and make more out of it. I don't think it allows for the human element.