Acknowledging “gaps” in its data collection, the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has promised to develop an annual sampling plan that measures existing and emerging food safety hazards in light of the emerging farm-to-table movement.
It’s just one of many goals set forth in its FY2011-2016 Strategic Plan, which outlines the agency’s strategic intentions for the next five years
Issued Wednesday, the plan consists of three main strategic themes — preventing foodborne illness, understanding and influencing the farm-to-table continuum and empowering people and strengthening infrastructure.
Additionally, in light of the agency’s findings that just 82 percent of small and 64 percent of very small establishments — compared to 97 percent of large plants — have a functional Food Defense Plan in place, FSIS is also seeking to enhance compliance of domestic- and foreign-produced products with safety regulations and guidance over the next five years.